Médaille du Sauvignon Selection by CMB
Image presentation selected experts from all over the world.

The contest

A unique & exclusive competition

Our ambition is to provide consumers with a guarantee : that it will single out wines of irreproachable quality offering a truly pleasurable drinking experience, wines from across the globe and the price points.

Wine bottles on a wood barrel

Promote quality

Wines entered in the Vranec Selection by CMB are judged on their typicity, their style and their price. A Specific panel of judges has been selected for their ability to judge the Vranec wines meticulously, skillfully and independently assess all wines entered in the competition.

Wine factory tanks

Boost production

Taking part to the Vranec Selection by CMB can boost production by providing valuable feedback from renowned judges. This helps you improve your production methods, optimize vineyard practices, and enhance the quality and characteristics of your wines.

People cheering with wine glasses

Improve awareness

The Vranec Selection by CMB enhances popularity and visibility on an international scale. By showcasing your wines to a diverse audience of industry professionals, you can generate exposure for your brand. Interacting with key stakeholders such as distributors, sommeliers, and journalists can lead to new market opportunities and expanded distribution channels.

Join the competition

Registering online is the easiest way to enter your wines. Our team will guide you through the registration process.